Baking Yule Tree ornaments
Traditions Veranda Vikings Traditions Veranda Vikings

Baking Yule Tree ornaments

In our household, the magic of Yule extends beyond the feasting and the gatheringβ€”it weaves its way into the very decorations that adorn our home. This season, we're taking you through the delightful tradition of baking Christmas decorations using our cherished fermented honey-dough.

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Baking Lucia Buns for December 13th. Scandinavian saffron buns or lussekatt.
Traditions, Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings Traditions, Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Baking Lucia Buns for December 13th. Scandinavian saffron buns or lussekatt.

In our celebration of Lucia Day, the saffron-infused Lussekatter buns take center stage. Our recipe, steeped in tradition, begins with an overnight rest for the dough, allowing the flavors to deepen. The next day, we shape and bake nearly a hundred of these golden treats, each imbued with the rich aroma of saffron. While there are countless regional variations of this recipe, ours is a cherished family favorite. On December 13th, as we enjoy these warm, fragrant buns, we are reminded of the enduring light and warmth that Lucia Day brings to the heart of winter.

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Mini Pumpkin Pies: A Nordic Twist on a Halloween Treat
Traditions, Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings Traditions, Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Mini Pumpkin Pies: A Nordic Twist on a Halloween Treat

As the Halloween spirit engulfs our Nordic home, we find ourselves eagerly embracing the festive season with a batch of delightful mini pumpkin pies, baked to perfection in a muffin tin and topped with a generous dollop of whipped cream. Harnessing the flavors of local pumpkins that thrive in our Nordic climate, we opt for either the sweet Hokkaido or the versatile butternut squash, creating a rich and flavorful pumpkin puree from scratch.

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When the Skies Stay Bright: A Midsummer's Eve Bonfire
Traditions Veranda Vikings Traditions Veranda Vikings

When the Skies Stay Bright: A Midsummer's Eve Bonfire

Join us as we celebrate the Nordic midsummer with a tradition-steeped bonfire, brimming with folklore and family values. The warm glow keeping us cozy through the ceaseless night, fireflies lighting up our faces as we recite verses from the Eddas. Here's to midsummer nights filled with ancient traditions, shared stories, and a spark of magic.

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