A bouquet of red clovers - and a very photogenic surprise cat

The journey from field to vase is a transformative one, especially for the wild and delicate Red Clover. When first snipped and gathered in an armful of floral bounty, these resilient blooms might betray their wild origins by appearing a tad droopy and wilted. But fret not, for Red Clover is no shrinking violet; give them half a day in a vase brimming with water, and you'll see their bulbous heads perk up like magic.

Just as we were setting up to capture this transformation through the lens of a camera, our cat Tiger decided he would be part of this still life. At first, he was curiously nibbling at the clovers—technically, they're edible, at least for herbivores. Whether they suit a cat's palate is another story altogether. After a brief taste test, Tiger seemed to deem herself more of a carnivore and gracefully transitioned into posing beside the vase as if she'd been planning it all along. Well, if you can't beat them, join them. So, here's the picture, featuring our king feline Tiger and the real stars—our vase of freshly-perked Red Clovers.

But back to the blooms. Now that they've fully adjusted to their new indoor setting, it's quite enchanting to watch the clovers steal the limelight in any room. They don’t just sit in the vase; they seem to live in it, bursting with color and character, eager to add a touch of wild to your cultivated spaces. So go ahead and bring a bit of the field inside. The Red Clovers are more than ready for their close-up, and who knows, your pets might decide they're ready for theirs as well.


Red clover Wreath


The lush nordic Red Clover