Veranda Vikings

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Dark Cherry Delight: Unveiling the Shadow Morello

As the summer sun warms our little corner of the world, our hefty Shadow Morello cherry trees sag under the weight of their luscious fruits. Their inky, almost-black cherries hang heavy in clusters, their dark allure challenging even the most seasoned photographer - and ladderclimber - to capture.

Often compared to the renowned Nordic Stevnskirsebær or the Italian amarene cherries, these Morellos boast a deep, complex flavor profile. Ideal for use in cooking, they can stand-in for wine in dishes like coq au vin.. or be candied in syrup as a decadent dessert topping.

But our favorite use? Freshly squeezed juice! Easier than you might think, it's a quick and delightful way to harness the fresh, intense flavor of these cherries.

After picking, we gather them in a large bowl and grind them using a soup ladle. The cherry stones, hidden within, lend their services as natural millstones. A gentle stir is enough to release their rich, sweet juice.

We then transfer the pulpy mixture to a strainer and continue to stir, pressing the juice from the pulp until the stones are clearly visible and the juice is mostly extracted.

The result is nothing short of dramatic - a dark, almost bloody-looking concoction (that's hard to properly capture on camera). But don't let its appearance fool you. Toss in a couple of ice cubes, and its deep wine-like color comes to life.

Besides its delightful flavor and versatility, Morello cherry juice has some surprising benefits. According to a study, it can elevate melatonin, the molecule that invites sleep, making it a perfect cozy bedtime drink. But remember to enjoy it in moderation - its high sorbitol content lends it natural laxative properties!

So, here's to a good night's sleep, naturally aided by our homemade Shadow Morello cherry juice. Cheers!