Veranda Vikings

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Nettle seed bread

Today, we want to share with you a little twist we've been experimenting with in our cottage bread: nettle seeds.

That's right—those same stinging nettles that you wouldn't dare touch without gloves have seeds that, when dried, lose their bite but keep their crunch. We've foraged these tiny gems from our local woodlands and have started adding them to our bread recipes. And I have to say, the result is quite pleasing.

The seeds can be sprinkled generously over the top before baking, adding a speckled, earthy beauty to the finished loaf. But if you're feeling a bit more adventurous, try mixing the seeds right into the dough. It won't dramatically change the flavor, but what you do get is a lovely texture and a pop of color in every slice. It's like embedding a little adventure into each loaf.

For those worried about the potency of nettle seeds, fear not! Once dried, they are as docile as any other seed and make for a fine addition to a variety of dishes. In fact, they've become one of the fun toppings we love to use on our different bun varieties, alongside poppy and sesame seeds.