Veranda Vikings

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Whims of the Wild: A Rose Mallow Tale

Each year, our garden tells a new story. A tale spun by nature herself, with little nudges from us. We subscribe to a philosophy of 'gardening with grace', letting Mother Nature take the reins, and observing as the garden ebbs and flows with the changing seasons. We're mere facilitators in this grand design, only stepping in when the harmony seems on the brink of disarray.

This approach manifests most delightfully in our interactions with the tenacious rose mallow. Their blooms – a spectacular riot of pinks and whites – seemingly appear out of nowhere, surprising us annually. You see, once, believing them to be rogue plants, we inadvertently weeded these hidden gems from one of our mint patches. Mint, of course, is a hearty grower, establishing itself firmly wherever it pleases. But so is the rose mallow, it would seem. Unfazed by our mistaken weeding, it bounced back, more vibrant than ever, bringing an eruption of colors that imbued our mint patch with newfound charm.

In the north, 'wild on purpose' is becoming a shared mantra among gardeners. More and more, we're seeing this ethos reflected in local gardens, ours included. Wild gardens honor nature's wisdom, favoring biodiversity and ecological balance over manicured perfection. They're not just about the aesthetics; they're about stepping back, learning from nature, and nurturing a space that thrives on its own terms.

Our rose mallow saga is a testament to this philosophy. They're a beautiful reminder that sometimes, it's okay to surrender control and let the wild take over. Each year, as we eagerly anticipate their return, we're reminded of the enduring lessons our garden teaches us: the resilience of nature, the beauty of the unexpected, and the virtues of simply stepping back and letting nature unfold in her magnificent way.