Rainy Days, Tiny Yellow Wellies, and a Wildflower Mission

It was a typical rainy day, the kind that makes everything seem a bit cozier, a bit more intimate. Bear, our little one, was all geared up in his tiny yellow wellies and a raincoat that's seen better days but still does the job just right.

Usually, a rainy day is an invitation to curl up indoors with a book or craft. But not today. Bear was on a mission, a mission to bring in the beauty of our wild forest right into our home. Today was about wildflower picking.

Out in the forest, he began his quest. It was like seeing a pint-sized florist at work, carefully selecting and picking each flower. His targets were the tallest foxgloves that towered over his small figure, swaying slightly with the rhythm of the rain. Their pastel pink and lilac colors, in contrast with the gray sky, seemed like nature’s watercolor painting in progress.

He didn’t stop there, his little hands reached for the Leucanthemums, lupines, and rose mallows. Each one chosen with intention and consideration, each one part of his grand plan.

Bear's plan, simple but profound, was to fill not one, but two vases with the day's pickings. One, he announced, would be for mom, to bring a bit of forest color to our rustic cottage. The other, he decided, would be for his room – a personal bit of wild to make his space feel special.

Back home, as we shed our raincoats and wellies, the wildflowers took pride of place. Their vibrant hues contrasted beautifully against the wooden interiors of our home, adding an element of whimsy and magic.

Watching Bear’s joyous face as he presented the flower-filled vases was a gentle reminder of the beauty of simple moments. Despite the rain, or perhaps because of it, we had managed to bring a bit of the wild forest into our cozy cottage.


A Touch of the Woods: Using Hazel Sticks for Your Curtains


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