Crabapple Applesauce
Discover the sweet simplicity of our crabapple "mos" – a Scandinavian autumn delight, perfect for breakfast with soured milk and a dollop of creamy goodness.

Pressing Apple Cider—Or as We Know it, Äppelmust/Æblemost
Ah, autumn—a season that beckons us back to age-old traditions. In our home, that means pressing our very own äppelmust or æblemost, what you'd call apple cider. Simple and wholesome, our method involves nothing more than picking, washing, grinding, and pressing. It's a family affair, with the kids often asking for a 'shot' glass of this elixir when they come home from school.

Plucking Apples and the Æblerov apple-snatchers
Learn the art of æblerov, the Danish tradition of apple 'plundering,' and discover how to tell when an apple tree is ripe for the picking. From the "half-twist test" to checking the color of the seeds, we share our time-tested tips for a fruitful foraging adventure.