The Art of Upcycling Old Dining Chairs

As the seasons change and our home evolves, we find ourselves returning to a beloved tradition - reimagining our century-old oak dining chairs. These chairs, each with a story to tell, once graced the halls of a grand estate, accompanying a dining table grand in both size and story.

The chairs, robust with the passage of time, have been with us through countless family meals, bearing witness to the laughter of children and the warmth of friends. They are not just furniture; they are pieces of history that we've lovingly preserved and infused with new life.

With each re-upholstering, we impart a piece of ourselves into the chairs. The fabrics we choose often have their own tales - remnants of clothing that no longer fit, the back of an old but much-loved jacket, the uniqueness of a vibrant T-shirt, and sometimes the sturdy fabric of a tote bag that's seen better days. These are not mere scraps, but memories weaved into the very fabric of our daily life.

Our process is simple. We gently remove the worn fabric, revealing the bare bones of the chair, a canvas awaiting transformation. With our upholstery stapler in hand, we work meticulously, attaching the new fabric, which was once a beloved garment, now repurposed to adorn our chairs. It’s not just about being sustainable; it’s about crafting a home filled with character, stories, and love.

This is not just upcycling. It's a process of preserving and passing on legacies, of crafting beauty and functionality from the past, and of making memories tangible. As we gather around our table, we sit not just on chairs, but on stories that will continue to be told for generations to come.

Today, we share with you a glimpse of our latest project - a chair painted in soft pink, its cushion reborn with a floral pattern echoing the hues of a blooming garden, another in serene blue with green stripes, mirroring the calm of the sea.


The Delight of Mini Chanterelles


A hallows eve Elderberry Roast