Roasting sweet chestnuts

The thrill begins the moment our children burst through the door, faces alight with excitement, carrying a bucket brimming with freshly picked sweet chestnuts. Each chestnut, a treasure trove of the forest, holds the promise of a delightful treat.

Before diving into the roasting, we give these nature's gems a thorough rinse to remove any forest remnants. Then comes the crucial step: puncturing each chestnut. This small act ensures that the trapped steam finds an escape, preventing any unexpected chestnut 'explosions' and ensuring they cook evenly.

Then, with great anticipation, we lay them directly atop our wood stove. The gentle sizzling sound, the alluring aroma wafting through our home, and the soft crackling of the wood fire below create a symphony of sensations.

It's more than just a culinary delight. It's about embracing the simple joys, the unity of family, and the traditions that make these moments truly special. So here's to the simple pleasure of roasting sweet chestnuts on a chilly day, a tradition we cherish and look forward to year after year.

Once roasted, we nestle them in a damp cloth, allowing them to rest and steam slightly. This essential step ensures the chestnuts are not only tender but also easier to peel, revealing their soft, buttery interior.

Each chestnut offers a taste experience that varies slightly from its neighbor. Primarily, they possess a sweetness akin to a well-cooked baked potato. Yet, every now and then, a chestnut might surprise with a touch of bitterness, offering a delightful contrast. The overriding hint of hazelnut ties these flavors together, creating a taste profile that's both comforting and intriguing.

To elevate this already splendid flavor, we delicately cut open the roasted chestnut and dab a smidgen of butter onto its warm, tender flesh. The butter melts seamlessly, its creaminess intertwining with the nutty, earthy notes of the chestnut. Each bite becomes a velvety, rich experience, transporting us to a realm of culinary bliss. Every year, as we gather around our wood stove to roast these beauties, we are reminded of the sheer joy that simple, wholesome ingredients can bring.

For those who wish to replicate this experience but lack a wood stove, fear not. We've also achieved wonderful results by roasting the chestnuts on a tray in the oven.


Signs of Autumn


Picking Sweet Chestnuts with the Kids