Sunchokes in the crisp autumn air
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

Sunchokes in the crisp autumn air

In the soft light of autumn, our garden's sunchokes offer a lesson in nature's resilience. These sunflower-like invaders, with their charming blooms and vigorous growth, are a forager's delight and a gardener's bane. Our youngest, Bear, delights in digging for their sweet tubers, a perfect addition to salads or a subtle twist in our hearty soups. We've learned to harvest them in moderation, especially after the first frost, when they're at their sweetest and kindest to our bellies.

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The Delight of Mini Chanterelles
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

The Delight of Mini Chanterelles

Out in the forest's quiet, under the whispering canopies, we've discovered a tiny treasure trove: mini chanterelles, no larger than a pinkie finger, awaiting those with keen eyes and gentle hands. Some might pass them by, waiting for the full flourish of sprouted fungi, but not us. With Bear as our guide, his small stature a secret weapon, we pluck these young gems from their mossy cradle.

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Picking Sweet Chestnuts with the Kids
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

Picking Sweet Chestnuts with the Kids

As autumn unfolds, our kids lead the charge in foraging sweet chestnuts, a hidden gem in our diverse Nordic woods. Arriving at our doorstep with buckets of glossy chestnuts, their pride is palpable. With spiky husks as our guide, we're ready to roast and savor the seasonal bounty, creating cherished family moments along the way.

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Foraging wild Wood Sorrel
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

Foraging wild Wood Sorrel

Discover the simple joy of foraging wild wood sorrel—a tart and lemony treasure waiting for you in the woods. Learn how this easily identifiable plant can be a flavorful addition to your culinary adventures. From cake toppings to zesty salads, wood sorrel brings a touch of wild to your table.

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Foraging Elderberries: A Tribute to Our Favorite Giving Tree
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

Foraging Elderberries: A Tribute to Our Favorite Giving Tree

In the depths of autumn, our family eagerly anticipates the ritual of elderberry picking—a practice steeped in both lore and flavor. These bountiful berries not only offer their unique, complex flavor to our table but also fulfill a promise made to the Elder Mother in spring. In return, our children relish the coziness of cold autumn days, brightened by steaming mugs of elderberry juice and the rich aroma of elderberry-laced winter stews.

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Karljohan and the nordic boletes
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

Karljohan and the nordic boletes

Journey with us through the labyrinth of history and folklore surrounding the Bolete Edulis—also known as Karl Johan in the mystical forests of Scandinavia. Once shunned due to cultural 'mycophobia,' this 'king of mushrooms' found its regal status thanks to a French-swedish king. Today's Karl Johan is a foraging favorite, a culinary treasure hidden amidst mossy forest floors.

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The Art of Drying Wild Mushrooms
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

The Art of Drying Wild Mushrooms

Drying mushrooms, especially boletes, creates an incredibly pungent and long-lasting pantry staple that adds a woodsy, umami boost to any dish. We like to slice them thin and hang them near our wood stove, where the circulating air and gentle heat work wonders in drawing out moisture. Stored in clip-top jars and displayed in a shaded kitchen corner, these dried boletes not only look decorative but offer an intense mushroom aroma that always delights our guests. It's like capturing the essence of a forest walk in a jar.

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The giant boletus mushrooms
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

The giant boletus mushrooms

In our woodland explorations, we've discovered giant bolete mushrooms, with some weighing in at over a pound each. These are the grand specimens of Boletus edulis and Boletus badius, majestic in size and brimming with deep, intense flavor, akin to a finely matured cheese. Here, we showcase some of our most impressive findings, each one a delectable promise of meals to come and a vivid reminder of the bountiful surprises the forest holds.

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Picking “Bear-berries” Björnbär Blackberry
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

Picking “Bear-berries” Björnbär Blackberry

In the Nordic woods, blackberries, known as 'Bear Berries', beckon both humans and wildlife closer with their dark, sweet allure. The resilient blackberries, bristling with thorns yet offering sweet rewards, paint a portrait of late summer and autumn days filled with gathering, preserving, and savoring the wild bounty of the land.

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Harvesting Wild Poppy Seeds
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

Harvesting Wild Poppy Seeds

As autumn whispers its arrival, it's time for a cherished ritual: harvesting wild poppy seeds. Before we collect these tiny treasures, we gently shake each pod, releasing some seeds back to the earth to ensure future blooms. With careful snips, we gather the pods and take them home, where we tap out the plentiful seeds — a delightful, edible bounty that adds a nutty crunch to breads and desserts alike.

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