Crafting Wild Garlic Salt: A Forager's Secret to Year-Round Flavor
Wild garlic salt is a simple, yet transformative way to preserve the vibrant taste of spring's foraged greens, ensuring a year-round supply of their unique flavor. By blending chopped wild garlic leaves with coarse salt until achieving a wet sand consistency, and then drying the mixture, we create a versatile culinary staple.
Wild Garlic Butter
Our homemade wild garlic butter celebrates the rustic charm of foraging, with its uneven distribution of garlic creating a visually appealing, spotted look and a delightful variance in flavor.
Foraging wild garlic in the spring
In the spring, our foraging excursions lead us to the treasure of wild garlic, known affectionately as "Oniony onion" or by its Latin name, Allium Ursinum, which resonates with our little Bear as "Bear Onion."