The Delightful Simplicity of Strawberries and Cream

Summer brings many joys, but the highlight for us is the abundance of strawberries that grow in our garden. There’s nothing quite like a sun-ripened strawberry - a small, bursting symbol of the season, imbued with the fullness of the sun’s warmth. When paired with the velvety richness of cream, the delicacy of the fruit is heightened, and we are gifted a dessert that is truly the essence of summer.

At the peak of the season, we have a daily ritual of gathering strawberries, morning and evening, ensuring we harvest them before the snails get their share. This age-old battle with snails is one we face every year, but the victory of a ripe, juicy berry is worth the effort. We've even introduced Burgundy snails into the garden, which, besides offering an interesting spectacle, help to control the snail population by eating their eggs.

The berries that are collected are then taken into our kitchen, where the magic happens. We wash and trim them, taking care to remove any hidden specks of dirt or tiny insects nestled under the leaves. Depending on the size, we either halve or quarter them. Then, the strawberries are layered into a bowl, their vibrant red tones offering a feast for the eyes.

The next step is the cream. Pouring this rich, silky liquid onto the strawberries is a ceremony in itself. It cascades over the mounds of berries, settling into the nooks and crannies, melding with the natural juices of the strawberries.

A sprinkling of sugar is added to enhance the natural sweetness of the berries and to balance the cream's richness. We love to add a whisper of vanilla, too, either in the form of seeds scraped from a pod or a splash of high-quality extract. This gives a fragrant depth that pairs beautifully with the fruit and cream.

The result is a dessert that is both incredibly simple and yet undeniably luxurious. The berries, tender and juicy, burst in the mouth, their sweet-tart taste mingling with the cream's velvety smoothness. Each spoonful is a taste of summer.

When the days are long and the warmth of the season seems to permeate everything, we find our greatest pleasure in the simplest of things. Strawberries and cream - it's a tradition in our home, a symbol of summer, and a testament to the joy of growing and preparing our own food. It's a reminder that sometimes, the best things in life are the simplest.


Old Apartment Tales: The Kitchen Chronicles


The Sweetest Part of Summer: Our Battle and Triumph with Strawberries