Pancakes with raw blackberry filling
Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Pancakes with raw blackberry filling

Our homemade freezejam whipped cream blackberry filling transforms our pancakes into a culinary masterpiece. The stability provided by xanthan gum allows us to use a piping bag, creating elegant, cake-like swirls of berry-infused whipped cream atop each pancake. This method not only adds a visual flair but ensures a perfect blend of sweet, tart blackberry in every bite, turning a simple breakfast into a delightful, berry-filled experience.

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“Frozen jam” - Raw blackberry preserve
Farmhouse Fare, The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare, The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

“Frozen jam” - Raw blackberry preserve

In the heart of summer, when the blackberries at our secret spot are at their juiciest and most bountiful, we embark on a new culinary adventure with "freezepowder," also known as xanthan gum. This modern marvel allows us to create a kind of jelly preserve, a "frozen jelly" that captures the essence of fresh berries without the need for extensive cooking or heaps of sugar.

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