The Unpluckable Poppy

Every garden has a flower that stands as a gentle reminder of nature's whimsy, and for us, it's the poppy. With a beauty that is almost ethereal, poppies defy the conventional 'pick and present' approach to appreciation. Our little (bruised-from-play) Bear discovered this the hard way, as most children do, when he proudly plucked a poppy only to watch its delicate petals shed themselves instantly. It was a charming, if not slightly melancholic, lesson in transient beauty.

But poppies are so much more than their ephemeral blossoms. Known for their seeds that adorn numerous baked goodies, we often scatter these seeds around, hopeful for more poppies to grace our space. They grow wild, seamlessly blending into our garden and adding to its charm with their fiery red hue.

So - If you happen upon a poppy in the wild, we encourage you to let it be, basking in its natural splendor. When the time is right, and the plant has gone to seed, you can return to this spot. That is the perfect opportunity to responsibly and sustainably collect some seeds for your use, while leaving plenty behind to ensure the poppy's return the following season. Practice patience and reap the rewards of these vibrant and generous plants.


Homemade Mini Peppermint Patties


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