Whittling a Hazel Longsword for Bear

In the realm of our woodland garden, where imagination runs as wild and free as the creatures it conjures, our little warrior Bear commands an impressive arsenal. His collection, brimming with nerf guns, shields, and swords, is a testament to his adventurous spirit. Yet, in the heart of every young knight or viking, there's always room for one more weapon of valor—a dual-handed longsword, a piece de resistance to complete his armory.

Our latest project was born from the bountiful hazel trees that grace our land, a straightish, sturdy branch selected for the noble purpose of becoming Bear's longsword. With the natural lines of the bark as our guide, we set to work, whittling away to form the blade, each stroke a careful negotiation between the wood's will and our vision.

The sword's guard, meticulously cut and sized, was designed with the future in mind—detachable and replaceable, acknowledging the inevitable wear and tear bestowed by epic battles and fierce duels. This approach, embracing the renewability of nature, ensures that Bear's sword can evolve with his adventures, bearing the marks of play and the possibility of rebirth.

But what is a sword without a name? In the tradition of the vikings, where swords like Ulfberth were revered not just for their craftsmanship but for their names, we too decided to bestow a title upon Bear's new blade. "Bear," simple yet profound, was etched into the wood, the act of carving each rune a lesson in the ancient language's angular elegance.

This personalized hazel longsword, named for its wielder, is more than just a toy. It's a symbol of the wild imagination that thrives in our garden, a bridge between past and present, and a reminder of the playful spirit that guides our adventures. Whether clashing with trolls or standing guard over the fortress, Bear's hazel sword is a companion in every exploit, its name a declaration of the valor and strength that lie within.

More ways to use Hazel at home:


Rising with a birching - Danish Fastalavnsris


Brewing Hazel Catkin Coffee