Creamy Orecchiette with Chantarelles and Young Hazelnuts

In the transition from summer to autumn, nature's pantry generously opens up to us, offering a variety of seasonal gems. Two such treasures, chantarelles and young hazelnuts, become the stars of our dinner table. If you've read our post about young hazelnuts, you know how special these early harvests are to us. When combined with the golden, buttery taste of chantarelles, the result is pure culinary magic.

For this dish, we're also bringing in another late summer darling—peas. Alongside them, we have garlic, onion, and celeriac stalks to build the foundation of flavors. And to finish, nothing less than a generous sprinkle of mature Parmesan cheese and fresh parsley will do.

Our kitchenware of choice for this hearty dish? The trusty cast-iron skillet. It's our go-to from late summer through winter, offering a consistent heat that enriches flavors, melding them together in harmonious symphony.


  • 400g orecchiette pasta (although any pasta will work)

  • 200g fresh chantarelles, cleaned and sliced

  • A handful of young hazelnuts, cracked and roasted - Or any other nut for crunch

  • 200g fresh or frozen peas

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 medium onion, diced - Or spring onions, or just any alium

  • Stalks from one celeriac, finely chopped

  • Generous dollop of butter for frying (or any other fat of your choice)

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

  • 300ml cream

  • Fresh parsley, finely chopped

  • Grated mature Parmesan cheese for garnish


  1. Prepare the Pasta: Boil orecchiette in salted water until al dente, according to package directions. Drain and set aside.

  2. Cook the Chantarelles: In your cast-iron skillet, sauté the chantarelles and cook until they release their juices and start to brown slightly.

  3. Sauté the Foundations: To the skillet add and sauté garlic, onion, and celeriac stalks in a generous amount of butter until they're soft and fragrant.

  4. Bring in the Nuts and Peas: Toss in the roasted young hazelnuts and peas. Stir well.

  5. Cream it Up: Pour in the cream and let the mixture simmer for a few minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.

  6. Combine with Pasta: Fold the cooked orecchiette into the creamy mixture, making sure the pasta is well-coated.

  7. Season: Add salt and pepper to taste. - Or be adventurous and grate in some nutmeg, maybe a dash of cayenne

  8. Garnish: Before serving, sprinkle with fresh parsley and generous amounts of grated mature Parmesan cheese.

This is an incredibly forgiving dish—like most things involving cream, mushrooms, and garlic. Feel free to make it your own by swapping out ingredients or tweaking the quantities. There you have it—a cozy meal that celebrates the best of what nature has to offer. Enjoy it with a glass of white wine and a side of crusty bread.

More mushroom dishes here:


Miniature Småkakor Scones


Young hazelnuts: A Forager's Guide to Coexisting with Squirrels