Picking “Bear-berries” Björnbär Blackberry

In the Nordic woods, a dark and delightful fruit captures both our attention and our taste buds. In Sweden, they are known as 'björnbär'; in Norway, 'bjørnebær'; and in Denmark, 'brumbær'. This translates to 'Bear Berries' in English, with the exception of 'brumbær', which might intriguingly refer to the snarl of a bear. It seems we are not the only ones who are enchanted by these berries - bears are quite the fans, too.

This year has proven to be a favorable one for another set of creatures that delight in these berries: wasps. Before the apples mature, but after the cherries have been picked clean, blackberries offer a vital source of sustenance for these buzzing critters. Although their feasting leaves some berries bruised and stunted, they remain in perfect condition for transforming into a delightful jam.

The blackberry bramble is a prevalent resident of our woods. Spread far and wide by the deer, these prickly thickets continue to expand their territory. It's an intriguing combination: the thorns seem poised to deter us, but the sweet, plump berries beckon us closer. These very thorns and the wild charm of the blackberries inspired our design for the "Flora Danica in Full Bloom, White Brambles" pattern. Dive into this natural magic for your home by checking it out in our shop.

Unlike their delicate cousins, the raspberries, blackberries are hardy and resilient during the gathering process – they don't disintegrate into a soft mush. The darker and more swollen the berries, the better. A single bush can be a stage for an entire berry lifecycle, with ripe berries, budding flowers, and underripe fruit all present at the same time. Throughout late summer and into the crisp days of autumn, these bushes steadily yield a bounty of pluckable delights.

Our daily routine often involves wandering to the brambles with a basket in hand. Each day, we gather the ripest of berries, savoring a few and freezing the rest in a single container. Gradually, as the days pass and the container fills, we find ourselves with a generous harvest. It’s then that the kitchen becomes a haven of sweet scents and bubbling pots, as the blackberries transform into marmalade, jam, pie, or another delectable creation.


The giant boletus mushrooms


Oxtail in Cherry sauce