Pancakes with raw blackberry filling
Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Pancakes with raw blackberry filling

Our homemade freezejam whipped cream blackberry filling transforms our pancakes into a culinary masterpiece. The stability provided by xanthan gum allows us to use a piping bag, creating elegant, cake-like swirls of berry-infused whipped cream atop each pancake. This method not only adds a visual flair but ensures a perfect blend of sweet, tart blackberry in every bite, turning a simple breakfast into a delightful, berry-filled experience.

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“Frozen jam” - Raw blackberry preserve
Farmhouse Fare, The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare, The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

“Frozen jam” - Raw blackberry preserve

In the heart of summer, when the blackberries at our secret spot are at their juiciest and most bountiful, we embark on a new culinary adventure with "freezepowder," also known as xanthan gum. This modern marvel allows us to create a kind of jelly preserve, a "frozen jelly" that captures the essence of fresh berries without the need for extensive cooking or heaps of sugar.

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Cooking Blackberry Jam the Scandinavian Way
Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Cooking Blackberry Jam the Scandinavian Way

Dive into the world of Scandinavian jam-making with our blog post on crafting the perfect blackberry jam—or should we say, brombærmarmelade? We explore the linguistic and cultural nuances between jams, marmalades, and jellies, offering not one, but two recipes for this delicious preserve. Whether you're a purist looking for a simple fruit-and-sugar blend or a culinary adventurer seeking to fine-tune consistency and flavor, we've got you covered. Don't miss out on this seasonal delight!

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Picking “Bear-berries” Björnbär Blackberry
The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

Picking “Bear-berries” Björnbär Blackberry

In the Nordic woods, blackberries, known as 'Bear Berries', beckon both humans and wildlife closer with their dark, sweet allure. The resilient blackberries, bristling with thorns yet offering sweet rewards, paint a portrait of late summer and autumn days filled with gathering, preserving, and savoring the wild bounty of the land.

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The Bramble Ballet: Buzzing Bees, Fluttering Butterflies and the Promise of Autumn Harvest
Floral delights Veranda Vikings Floral delights Veranda Vikings

The Bramble Ballet: Buzzing Bees, Fluttering Butterflies and the Promise of Autumn Harvest

Deep in the heart of our forest home, where the air is thick with the musk of damp earth and pine, a wild dance of life unfurls. The blackberry brambles, a distant cousin of roses, paint a picture of vibrant vitality, attracting a dizzying array of winged visitors from leopard and tortoiseshell butterflies to countless species of bees.

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