Crafting Magnolia Spice: A Floral Delight for our Kitchen
Farmhouse Fare, The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare, The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

Crafting Magnolia Spice: A Floral Delight for our Kitchen

In our exploration of natural ingredients, we've transformed magnolia blossoms into a unique spice powder, perfect for enhancing dishes typically seasoned with cinnamon, cardamom, clove, or ginger. Using two methods—oven roasting for deeper, cardamom-like notes, and air drying for a lighter, citrusy essence—we convert the fragrant petals into culinary delights.

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Wild Garlic Porkchops & wild garlic ‘half-baked’ potatoes
Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Wild Garlic Porkchops & wild garlic ‘half-baked’ potatoes

Embracing the vibrant flavors of spring, our kitchen became a haven for wild garlic enthusiasts, turning a bounty of foraged greens into a feast. We crafted a meal that spotlighted the robust taste of wild garlic, seasoning pork chops generously with homemade wild garlic salt and pairing them with oven-baked potatoes topped with a dollop of wild garlic-infused butter.

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Crafting Wild Garlic Salt: A Forager's Secret to Year-Round Flavor
The Edible Garden, Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings The Edible Garden, Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Crafting Wild Garlic Salt: A Forager's Secret to Year-Round Flavor

Wild garlic salt is a simple, yet transformative way to preserve the vibrant taste of spring's foraged greens, ensuring a year-round supply of their unique flavor. By blending chopped wild garlic leaves with coarse salt until achieving a wet sand consistency, and then drying the mixture, we create a versatile culinary staple.

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Baking Lucia Buns for December 13th. Scandinavian saffron buns or lussekatt.
Traditions, Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings Traditions, Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Baking Lucia Buns for December 13th. Scandinavian saffron buns or lussekatt.

In our celebration of Lucia Day, the saffron-infused Lussekatter buns take center stage. Our recipe, steeped in tradition, begins with an overnight rest for the dough, allowing the flavors to deepen. The next day, we shape and bake nearly a hundred of these golden treats, each imbued with the rich aroma of saffron. While there are countless regional variations of this recipe, ours is a cherished family favorite. On December 13th, as we enjoy these warm, fragrant buns, we are reminded of the enduring light and warmth that Lucia Day brings to the heart of winter.

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Pancakes with raw blackberry filling
Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Pancakes with raw blackberry filling

Our homemade freezejam whipped cream blackberry filling transforms our pancakes into a culinary masterpiece. The stability provided by xanthan gum allows us to use a piping bag, creating elegant, cake-like swirls of berry-infused whipped cream atop each pancake. This method not only adds a visual flair but ensures a perfect blend of sweet, tart blackberry in every bite, turning a simple breakfast into a delightful, berry-filled experience.

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Old-timey danish “apple cake”
Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Old-timey danish “apple cake”

Our Danish æblekage is a harmonious blend of textures and flavors. It begins with a base of oats, candied in honey and butter, providing a crunchy contrast to the spiced apple sauce layer, rich with cardamom and vanilla. Topped with a cloud of whipped cream and a sprinkle of festive decorations, this trifle is a celebration of tradition with a personal touch.

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“Frozen jam” - Raw blackberry preserve
Farmhouse Fare, The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare, The Edible Garden Veranda Vikings

“Frozen jam” - Raw blackberry preserve

In the heart of summer, when the blackberries at our secret spot are at their juiciest and most bountiful, we embark on a new culinary adventure with "freezepowder," also known as xanthan gum. This modern marvel allows us to create a kind of jelly preserve, a "frozen jelly" that captures the essence of fresh berries without the need for extensive cooking or heaps of sugar.

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Candied orange and lemon peel
Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings Farmhouse Fare Veranda Vikings

Candied orange and lemon peel

As autumn embraces Scandinavia, we welcome the citrus season with a cherished tradition—making candied orange and lemon peels. Sourced from Spain's bountiful orchards, these vibrant fruits, once rare Yuletide treasures, are now a staple of our festive preparations. In our cozy kitchen, we transform the peels through a gentle, slow boiling process on our wood stove, culminating in a sweet syrup bath.

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